An orange photograph painted on the sky a canvas far and high my thought then flies aswind it blows to a day many years ago. I was a girl, a child dreams were big and wild it was a usual evening.I lied on the grass daydreaming. I saw the sky was empty no twilight I perceived. Then I raised my hand to the sky my fingers went I drew a line on the sky so lengthy and so high. I depicted conscientiously the twilight I'd like to see. As my point finger moved an orange color bloomed. An orange twilight was formed, an empty sky was gone. Long from that day I age already older today I might have been. It's been nine years passed I don't even recall where it was. Years have passed from that day, many things change too, If many have changed, I might have changed too. But when today I see the twilight, a familiar thought flashes bright and a question appears to me, so warmly and so vividly 'Is the orange color in the sky today,  is the same twilight I've drawn that day? ' #poem #orangesky #beautiful #change #twilight by deyanakostova

Thursday, February 26, 2015

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