I think God is punishing me for staying up so late and not charging my phone:/ I went to plug it up and I was waiting for it to light up and it never did so I went to tell my mom that my charger wasn't working when I noticed that my room was unusually dark, so I thought hey maybe the power finally went off and WHAT DO YOY FREAKIN KNOW IT DID!!! #fml Sp now in sitting in my mom car in the freakinv dark IN A STORM charging my phone. #imscared#fmlagain #teenquotes#teenspiration#quotesandsayings#textpost#text#inspiration#fail#nerd#failposts#funnyfailposts#funnytextposts#etahad#tumblrtextpost#tumblr#funnycatvideos#friendfails#teenaagers Sorry this was a really long caption. by bunnypocalypse

Sunday, April 6, 2014

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